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在区块链领域,共识算法为信任和安全奠定了基础。在SCDO,我们通过创新的ZPoW算法开创了达成共识的突破性方法。但是ZPoW到底是什么,它又是如何彻底改变采矿业的呢?使用ZPoW进行挖掘的基础知识传统的工作量证明(PoW)算法,如比特币所使用的算法,依靠计算能力来验证交易和保护网络。矿工们竞相解决复杂的数学难题,第一个找到答案的人将获得向区块链添加新块的权利。ZPoW遵循类似的原则,但有一点不同。与比特币的PoW不同,ZPoW通常倾向于使用专用硬件(如ASIC芯片或强大的GPU)的矿工,ZPoW被设计为CPU友好的。这意味着,即使是拥有标准CPU的矿工也可以参与到网络中来,从而促进分散化和包容性。介绍SCDO采矿设备在SCDO,我们致力于实现采矿民主化,并确保所有人都能获得采矿服务。这就是为什么我们开发了一系列针对不同硬件配置的采矿机:SCDO精简节点:对于初学者或希望从最少硬件开始的人来说,Lite Node是理想的选择,它为参与SCDO网络提供了一个轻量级的解决方案。Lite节点资源需求低,非常适合临时矿工或预算有限的矿工。SCDO图形处理器Miner-A:对于寻求更高处理能力的矿工,GPU Miner-A可为基于GPU的采矿提供优化的性能。GPU Miner-A配备了先进的图形处理单元,可提供更高的效率和速度,是专业矿工的热门选择。SCDO超级节点:作为采矿硬件的巅峰之作,超级节点代表了性能和可扩展性的极致。超级节点专为企业级操作而设计,拥有无与伦比的处理能力和可靠性,是大规模采矿作业的首选。SCDO的干子链协议:为企业和游戏转型支付

在SCDO,我们致力于推动去中心化金融世界的可能性。我们的最新创新,干子链协议,代表着SCDO生态系统在可扩展性和灵活性方面的重大飞跃。本文中,我们将探讨该协议如何为企业和游戏提供完美的加密支付解决方案,同时也将宣布我们激动人心的DAPP演示推出并分享我们的愿景,成为领先的去中心化支付解决方案提供商。介绍干子链协议Stem Subchain Protocol是专为SCDO主网设计的第二层可扩展性解决方案。该协议允许mainnet(也称为根链)保护存储在子链上的资金,同时使这些子链能够实现各种共识算法来加速事务处理。由于可以创建的子链数量没有限制,干子链协议为扩展SCDO系统以满足企业级应用程序和游戏平台的需求奠定了基础。特点和功能Stem Subchain Protocol提供了一套全面的功能,可支持广泛的用例:基于帐户的子链:用户可以根据其特定需求创建专门的子链,无论是用于企业支付、游戏交易还是其他去中心化应用。智能合约:子链可以部署通用智能合约,实现流程自动化,并以更高的效率执行交易。灵活的存款/取款操作:该协议允许安全灵活的存款和取款操作,确保用户可以根据需要方便地在根链和子链之间移动资金。快速交易通道:用户可享受快速、私密的交易通道,实现实时结算,降低交易成本。数据仓库:子链可以作为去中心化的数据仓库,记录和认可重要信息,如物流数据、比赛成绩或金融交易。与DeFi的互操作性:通过STEM子链协议,用户可以在根链上无缝交换和借用SCDO代币,并在子链上提供等价资产,促进去中心化的金融活动




为了展示Stem Subchain Protocol的功能,我们很高兴地宣布推出我们的DApp演示。本演示将为用户提供我们平台的动手体验,让他们在模拟环境中探索其功能并测试其性能。我们邀请企业、游戏开发者和加密爱好者加入我们这个激动人心的旅程,探索去中心化支付的未来。



In the realm of blockchain, the consensus algorithm sets the foundation for trust and security. At SCDO, we’re pioneering a groundbreaking approach to consensus with our innovative ZPoW algorithm. But what exactly is ZPoW, and how does it revolutionize mining?

The Basics of Mining with ZPoW

Traditional proof-of-work (PoW) algorithms, like the one used by Bitcoin, rely on computational power to validate transactions and secure the network. Miners compete to solve complex mathematical puzzles, with the first to find the solution earning the right to add a new block to the blockchain.

ZPoW operates on a similar principle, but with a twist. Unlike Bitcoin’s PoW, which often favors miners with specialized hardware like ASIC chips or powerful GPUs, ZPoW is designed to be CPU-friendly. This means that even miners with standard CPUs can participate in the network, promoting decentralization and inclusivity.

Introducing SCDO Mining Machines

At SCDO, we’re committed to democratizing mining and ensuring accessibility for all. That’s why we’ve developed a range of mining machines tailored to different hardware configurations:

  • SCDO Lite Node: Ideal for beginners or those looking to get started with minimal hardware, the Lite Node offers a lightweight solution for participating in the SCDO network. With its low resource requirements, the Lite Node is perfect for casual miners or those operating on a budget.

  • SCDO GPU Miner-A: For miners seeking more processing power, the GPU Miner-A delivers optimized performance for GPU-based mining. Equipped with cutting-edge graphics processing units, the GPU Miner-A offers enhanced efficiency and speed, making it a popular choice for serious miners.

  • SCDO Super Nodes: At the pinnacle of mining hardware, the Super Nodes represent the ultimate in performance and scalability. Designed for enterprise-level operations, Super Nodes boast unparalleled processing power and reliability, making them the go-to choice for large-scale mining operations.

  • Understanding ZPoW’s Unique Properties

  • One of the key features of ZPoW is its adaptability. ZPoW consists of two phases: ZPoW1 and ZPoW2.

  • ZPoW1: This phase focuses on computing the determinant of random matrices. Unlike many PoW algorithms, ZPoW1 cannot be efficiently implemented in parallel, making it resistant to domination by miners with specialized hardware.

  • ZPoW2: Building upon the foundation of ZPoW1, ZPoW2 introduces multiple child algorithms. Miners have the flexibility to choose which algorithm to mine, adding an element of choice and autonomy to the process. Additionally, ZPoW2 incorporates dynamic difficulty adjustments to prevent any single child algorithm from monopolizing block production.

  • The Future of Mining with ZPoW

  • With ZPoW, SCDO is pioneering a new era of blockchain consensus that prioritizes accessibility, fairness, and security. By leveraging CPU-friendly algorithms and innovative difficulty adjustments, ZPoW ensures a level playing field for all miners, regardless of their hardware setup.

  • While the technical intricacies of ZPoW are vast, its impact on the blockchain landscape is undeniable. Stay tuned for more insights into the inner workings of ZPoW and how it’s shaping the future of decentralized finance.




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